So my sessions are normally full of wee ones and families... and I love every bit of time I spend with them. I love the chasing, and the coercing and laughing and making a silly nut out of myself to get smiles.. (really, I truly do.) plus, I love a mini work out =)
I was thrilled when Miss L asked me to take her pictures. She is gorgeous, and stepped up and smiled with out any fruit snacks tossed at her. lol... I think 19/20 pics were awesome, and that one is only b/c I caught her blinking (because my darling daughter was trying to get into the scene
I love meeting new clients and getting to know them during our sessions. I love hearing their stories. As the morning show producer of our local WLFI television company, Miss L had quite the stories.. I had no idea half of what goes on and it was fun to hear a bit about the behind the scenes.
With your personality and beauty, I have no doubt you will find your spot in a much bigger market. I wish you good luck as you begin your search. I am happy to have been able to help you as you begin your journey. I will have your cd of images to you soon.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth!!! :)