Just wanted to let you all know.. that I am keeping busy with 1-2 sessions a week.. editing my
hiney off, and running the kiddos from place to place. Our winter has been crazy busy!! I have been working for the last month on getting a new blog up and running, so I kind of purposely was
neglecting this one... been using
face book for a lot of pr though!
LOL... anyway... haven't been doing sneak peeks of my latest sessions, just been filling clients' galleries, and then adding an occasional image onto
FB. Once I get my {new}blog up , I will be diligent about updates and sneak peeks.

We had a freak of nature warm few days a couple weeks ago, and so I jumped at the chance to get out and shoot in it. Had one session outside, which was awesome, minus the landmine of dog crap we had to dodge... blek! Then I took baby girl outside to model for me a bit. It is not torture for her at all.. this kid is a natural for the camera!
**** Just to let you know... I am booked into June... and am now taking those requests for summer sessions ******
Dates start to go quickly.. so if you are wanting something this summer.. don't wait to contact me!
( I will be taking a limited number of sessions in July and August)