On August 1st, I will be raising my session fees as well as print prices and offering some new products just in time for the holiday season. My attention to detail has not changed and I have incorporated some new presentation aspects to my photos, allowing for my increased prices to still be affordable while guaranteeing you have an amazing finished product that you can cherish for years to come.
Still working out all the details on a few fun things going on at elle-mi photography ( I can't wait to share them with you!) and I am excitedly finishing up the details for my Fall Mini Sessions.
I have booked 8 sessions in the last week, and had two more inquires today.. don't wait TO GET YOUR CHOICE OF DATE!
sneak peek for the L family(Lafayette, IN family photography
Had a great time meeting up with this family and taking their fall pictures.. (well , almost.. right?) We started out getting some pics of each of the three kids!
The boys were so cooperative and realized quickly how painless having their pictures taken actually was. I am good like that.. LOL !!
Little Missy was quite a hoot.. she was cracking me up with her crazy antics and expressions- that is what little sisters are all about-

Got a bunch more of the kids by themselves and also together.. this is one of my favorites of all three kiddos-

This family is so much fun so I knew they would be up for playing in the water. It was so hot, that I am sure it felt good to cool off at the same time. There are a few more great ones from this set, that I am sure you'll love.

We finished the night off with a few of princess E all dudded out in pinks and sass. She was all about a one - girl show.. LOVEd it !! (and then she was done.. lol)
Thanks so much for asking me to take your family's photos.. I will be sending your password very soon so that you can see all of the images from your session. Talk to you soon !

Got a bunch more of the kids by themselves and also together.. this is one of my favorites of all three kiddos-

This family is so much fun so I knew they would be up for playing in the water. It was so hot, that I am sure it felt good to cool off at the same time. There are a few more great ones from this set, that I am sure you'll love.

We finished the night off with a few of princess E all dudded out in pinks and sass. She was all about a one - girl show.. LOVEd it !! (and then she was done.. lol)

Senior session! [Lafayette, Indiana high school senior, Harrison High School photography]
Had SO much fun with this senior session! It was a bit hot out and we just missed some rain.. but it led to a beautiful evening of picture taking downtown!
Miss T is going to be a Senior at Harrison High School and wanted to do this 'special dual' session with her boyfriend.
They were a bit nervous ( as most seniors are) for their session, but after about 10 mintues , completely loosened up and I could tell they were having fun.
I had a great confirmation when T sent me an email saying that she and W had such a great time and that it was much more 'fun' than she thought it would be! YAAAAY. I always promise super fun sessions. for seniors or anyone else for that matter. Getting your photos taken should.not. be painful. LOL--

Thanks for asking me to take you pictures and I am so thrilled for you two.. enjoy the rest of your summer together. I look forward to spending more time with you at your solo session this fall!!

Thanks for asking me to take you pictures and I am so thrilled for you two.. enjoy the rest of your summer together. I look forward to spending more time with you at your solo session this fall!!

snips and snails [Lafayette, Indiana child, family photography]

and puppy dog tails. That is indeed what this brand new THREE year old is made of!
Met up with his mom to take his 3 year old pictures.. He was such a ham. We conquered the mosquitos and got some great shots to document his birthday!

These are just a few of my favorites.. he had such a spark in his eye the whole time !

and a few of them together too. Pretty darn cute, and pretty hard to keep the sticks out of the hands of a certain little 3 year old! lol

I had a great time with you all- Thanks for asking me to take Mr. H's handsome pictures! I'll email you with the password to view the rest of the pics from your session. Hope you like your sneak peek!!

I had a great time with you all- Thanks for asking me to take Mr. H's handsome pictures! I'll email you with the password to view the rest of the pics from your session. Hope you like your sneak peek!!
new from Chick Pea![Lafayette, Indiana child, family, baby photography]
Check out this lovely little "hair band" as my sweet daughter calls it!! Isn't it gorgeous!
She is quite the model.. and if you can't tell, she doesn't leave the house with grabbing "something" for her hair!
This is one of my faves for my little girl.. and yep.. I have been known to borrow it from her a time or two as well -- chick pea hair stuff is super cute and not just for your little girls. I have some sweet flowers that I wear on my pony tails as well.

Go check out what new things Kelly has in her shop at CHICK PEA HAIR BOWS

Go check out what new things Kelly has in her shop at CHICK PEA HAIR BOWS

*** and just to let my clients -in-waiting.. I am working as hard as I can... If you haven't seen your sneak peek up yet, please be patient with me. I have three more sessions to finish edit as well as some other fun projects I am in the midst of.
(will share soon =)...
***and.... just to let you know that I am now booking sessions into September and beyond, so if you are interested in a family session or new pics of your kiddos to include with Christmas cards( I know, it is only July right?) now is the time to get your choice on dates!!
stay tuned for more coming..... thanks for stopping by!!
sneak peek for the T family[Lafayette, Indiana family, child photography]
Look at how cute this family is!! I love their red , white and blue theme! I apologize to you (and to future or past clients) about the logo watermark across the image. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who were taking it upon themselves to "take my photos" without placing orders.. =(
therefore, I had to start making my water mark a little bigger and a little less appealing to have on a framed picture displayed in ones' home.
I assure, you that the images are beautiful and though you may not be able to see all the detail on the sneak peek , you will see fully edited, and un-watermarked images in your private gallery.
Ok. done with that side note!!
We were able to get so many great family poses and a few individual shots of big sister , which I just love.
One of my faves... daddy daughter kisses... Miss R is coming back to see me in a couple months for her one year session and so she'll get to steal the show!

Look at Miss Q .. so pretty! She certainly enjoyed the camera and was a joy to work with.

The whole family was a blast to hang out with on a Saturday morning. Thanks so much for asking me to take your family pictures. I'll send the password your way so that you can view the rest of the images from your session.

therefore, I had to start making my water mark a little bigger and a little less appealing to have on a framed picture displayed in ones' home.

Ok. done with that side note!!

Look at Miss Q .. so pretty! She certainly enjoyed the camera and was a joy to work with.

The whole family was a blast to hang out with on a Saturday morning. Thanks so much for asking me to take your family pictures. I'll send the password your way so that you can view the rest of the images from your session.

pretty as a princess[Lafayette, Indiana child photography]
Miss B turns three!!! We met at the park for some fun pictures and (of course the reward of playtime on the playground)! She was all decked out in her birthday gear and was even wearing her beautiful charm necklace from Disney World !
Mirror, Mirror on the wall... who is the prettiest princess of all????
We had great fun trying to get this idea to come thru to reality...its hard to keep a 3 yr old focused in the right spot! LOL.. I think this one is so cute.. and there are a couple others too mom.
Ahhhh. would you look at those eyes?? I am sure they melt mama's heart.. and some lucky boy down the road in say.. twenty years!!
Miss B was showing off her pretty new bracelet and for some reason this rock setting, made me think "beachy.." so I did a little vintage processing to it.
... and here she is bursting with color!! What a sweet, little girl she was with such a spunky spirit!

I hope that you have enjoyed your sneak peek and that you will see the essence of your little girl captured in these images. Thank you so much for asking me to take her birthday photos. It was fun to be a part of documenting this milestone in her life.
Watch your email, for the password to view the rest of the images from your session. Again, thanks and best wishes to you all !

Miss B was showing off her pretty new bracelet and for some reason this rock setting, made me think "beachy.." so I did a little vintage processing to it.

I hope that you have enjoyed your sneak peek and that you will see the essence of your little girl captured in these images. Thank you so much for asking me to take her birthday photos. It was fun to be a part of documenting this milestone in her life.

Miss M turns ONE!![Lafayette, child, baby,family photography]
I had great time meeting little Miss M who had just turned one and her sweet parents for a morning photo session. As you can see, this little cutie had no problem smiling for my camera !
I usually save my "props" for last... and sometimes a last resort to get kiddos to realize that picture taking is indeed fun....
Miss M had recently begun walking.. and if you know anything about a child finding their new found mobile independence... well... I got my exercise for the morning following her around. It was great fun! She noticed my flower prop and quickly went over and snatched it up... she absolutely loved it! Hey, Mom, perhaps this could be a simple and inexpensive toy for her one day .. lol - there are many , many more.. in fact I am working up a sweet collage w/ Miss M and her flower. It is just adorable.
And what fun did we have in the ol' bucket. She loved it too!! Got some great expressions as she chilled for awhile.. (as you can see here, she was trying to escape! LOL)

We got some great family shots as well.. the above one is a favorite from the session.. as is the daddy /daughter one seen below...

I love, love, love this last one. It seems that in every 1-2 year old session, I get a few moments like this. While most people may not like a sad baby.. as a photographer, I love to see the tears, and the instant consoling hugs that a mama gives her child. I think its important to capture these precious moments as well. So much raw emotion is caught and a great reminder that mom will always be there for comfort and to wipe away the tears.

Thanks so much for asking me to take Miss M's one year milestone pictures! I hope that they are exactly what you were hoping for. I enjoyed our time together and look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for your patience, and I will be emailing your password very soon.

We got some great family shots as well.. the above one is a favorite from the session.. as is the daddy /daughter one seen below...

I love, love, love this last one. It seems that in every 1-2 year old session, I get a few moments like this. While most people may not like a sad baby.. as a photographer, I love to see the tears, and the instant consoling hugs that a mama gives her child. I think its important to capture these precious moments as well. So much raw emotion is caught and a great reminder that mom will always be there for comfort and to wipe away the tears.

Thanks so much for asking me to take Miss M's one year milestone pictures! I hope that they are exactly what you were hoping for. I enjoyed our time together and look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for your patience, and I will be emailing your password very soon.
Enjoy your sneak!

two brothers (and the rest of the family) [Lafayette, Indiana, child , family photography]
I was super thrilled when a friend from back in college called me to ask if I would take pictures of her boys! It was such a fun little reunion and to see her as a mom to these big boys was so very cool !
Our session started out as just capturing the boys Mr. R and Mr. C at this stage in their lives... I learned all about silly bands during our session.. lol
and caught some pretty good grins out of the two of them !
and grandma and grandpa came along too, so we got some good family shots in. I also got some great shots of grandpa with his grandsons, mom and dad w/ their daughter and grandma and grandpa together. They said it had been years since they had a picture of the two of them. I am so glad that I could snap a few of them.
I have a feeling you will be pleased with the variety we were able to get from your session. Thanks for all of you for being so flexible and as an added bonus we got to listen to a little concert in the park during our session. Fun wasn't it?
Here is mom with her boys.....almost as big as she is!! R, you're going to have to put a book on his head for sure!!

and I always sneak a snap or too of mama by herself.... isn't she gorgeous??? Such a princess in a house full of boys =) !
and I'll leave you with this fun one, just because I love shoes .. and thought these ol' cons the kids had on were super cool.

and I always sneak a snap or too of mama by herself.... isn't she gorgeous??? Such a princess in a house full of boys =) !

So thanks again for having me take your family pics. I'll send you the password to view the rest of your session images. I look forward to seeing you next time for the Mr R solo session.. that will be so fun !
It was great to see you .. I'll be in touch soon !!
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